The UK's most trusted luxury trade outdoor furniture company since 1977

The Gardener's Guide


Celebrate summer with our top tips to tend, prune, relax and enjoy your outdoors with a spot of gardening this July.


    • Keep watch for pests like lily beetles, snails and aphids, and remove before they do too much harm.
    • Water and feed sweet peas regularly, picking the flowers every few days and removing seed pods to prolong flowering.
    • Water thirsty plants regularly to keep them healthy and well fed.
    • Though most will tolerate a few days' absence without suffering, make sure to care for your houseplants if you go on holiday, providing moisture in just the right quantity.
    • Tidy up fallen leaves and flowers to discourage the spread of fungal disease.


    • Feed, water and deadhead summer bedding and perennial plants to encourage new blooms for as long as possible.
    • Cut back faded perennials to keep your borders tidy.
    • Cut back growth in your hanging baskets to encourage new flowers and foliage - make sure to feed your baskets well after doing this.
    • Deadhead your roses to keep them looking tidy.

Transform your outdoors


    • Get outside and get hosting - celebrate every magical moment with garden gatherings your friends and family will never forget.
    • Barbecue the day away with fun to make and tasty to eat recipes.


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